Genesis Lesson 7 Chapter 6:1-22 " Sons of God & Daughters of Man"

LBS Lesson 7
Genesis 6:1-22

Last week we saw a comparison of the unrighteous line of Cain to the righteous line of Seth. Seth’s line stretches back to Adam and forward, through Noah, to Christ. This week we turn our attention to Noah, a righteous man living amidst crookedness and depravity, a man whose name signifies relief, comfort, and rest. 

Look at Genesis 6:1-8
  1. Genesis 6:1-3 is notoriously difficult to interpret, and several interpretations have been put forth. We will discuss them together when we meet. For now, do your best to draw your own conclusions by careful observation. In 6:1-2, who do you think is meant by “the sons of God”?

       Who do you think is meant by “the daughters of man”?

2. What do you think is meant by 6:3? Choose the answer you think best fits the context. 
    Remember there are no wrong answers here. 

     ___  God will shorten man’s lifespan to one hundred and twenty years to punish him for his 

    ___  God’s patience with humanity’s wickedness will run out in one hundred and twenty 
           years, and He will send a flood. 

Now focus on Genesis 6:9-22

4. In 6:9 we are given three phrases to describe Noah. Note each one below. 
     1. Noah was a __________ __________.

     2. Noah was __________ in his __________________.

     3. Noah ________ with _____.

5. Read 6:22. Why does Moses include this verse? How does it reinforce what we learned in 6:9?

Apply: In a time of utter moral depravity, how do you think Noah stood apart from his contemporaries? How do you think his thoughts, words, and actions probably marked him distinctly as a servant of God? 

What aspects of God’s character stands out to you in this chapter?

How can you live today in light of this fact? 


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