Lesson 10 Genesis 10-11 Table of Nations/Tower of Babel
Lbs Lesson 10
Genesis 10-11
Last week we saw God make a covenant with Noah. This week we will examine the cures on Ham’s offspring. We’ll also see how long the memory of widespread devastation kept Earth’s inhabitants from sin. And we’ll trace the path of Noah’s descendants all the way to Abram, the father of the nation of Israel.
- According to 10:6, how many sons did Ham have in all?_______ In light of this information, how was Noah’s curse less harsh than it could have been?
2. Remember that Moses is writing Genesis to the Israelites to prepare them for life in the promised land, the land of Canaan. They will be commanded to go into Canaan and subdue it completely. The Canaanites were a particularly perverse and sinful people group. Just how bad were they? Take a look at Leviticus 18:1-28. List below some of the detestable practices that characterized the Canaanites.
Now look at Chapter 11
1. Based on 11:1, what implied question does the story of Babel seek to answer?
2. Read 11:3-4. Specifically, what did the men in this story want to do?
11:3 ”Come, let us ____________________________________________.”
11:4 “Come, let us ____________________________________________.”
“….and let us __________________________________________.”
3. According to 11:6, why did God thwart the people’s attempt at united accomplishment?
Apply: Genesis 12-50 will outline the lives of Abram (Abraham) and his descendants, the fledgling nation of Israel. In Genesis 1-11, Moses has skillfully walked us from the vert of the world to the birth of a nation, indicating God’s sovereign hand throughout. God orders both the big sorry of salvation and the small stories of our individual lives. How have you seen God’s sovereign hand ordering your own life and story?
4. Compare the opening statements of each of the following verses:
Genesis 2:4
…the __________________________and the ______________________…
Genesis 6:9
Genesis 10:1
…the ____________________ of _________________________,
________________________, __________________________ and
Genesis 11:10
Genesis 11:27
…_____________________________ _____________________________
fathered _____________________________
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