Lesson 8 Genesis 7-8:19 "The Flood"

LBS Lesson 8
Genesis Chapters 7-8:19 

We will look closely at the structure of the narrative. Just like you did in Genesis 1-2, look for patters and repetitions as you read. Ask God to give you fresh eyes and ears for a familiar story. 

1. Look back at 5:32. How old was Noah when his sons were born? ______

2. How old was Noah when he entered the ark? ________
   Based on this information, estimate how long you think it probably took Noah to build the ark: _______________

3. Look at 7:7,13. How many humans were spared inside the ark? ____

Now focus on Genesis 7:1-12 for the following questions. 

5. Genesis 7-8:12 give us a chronology of the flood. In the chart below, outline that chronology. Some are done for you. Answers will vary.  
Time Period
What Happened
Genesis 7:4,10
7 days 
It began to rain on the earth.
Genesis 7:12,17
40 days and 40 nights

Genesis 7:24;8:3

The waters prevailed on the earth. And had finally decreased. 
Genesis 8:5-6
1st day of the 10th month. 

Genesis 8:10

Waited. Came back with a fig leave in its mouth.
Genesis 8:12
7 days

6. Look again at your chart. Count how many different time periods, or stages, of the flood are 
   mentioned:  ____
   Do you see any significance in that number? ( Think back to the creation story in Genesis 1. 
   How many days of creation were there? 

7. Though the story of Noah’s ark may be familiar to you, what details did you notice during 
    your reading that you had perhaps not seen before? 

8. According to Genesis 8:20, what is the first thing that Noah does upon exiting the ark? 

What aspect of God’s character has this week’s passage of Genesis shown you more clearly? 


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