WBS Genesis 12-14

LBS Genesis 12-14
Lesson 11

This week we will start the story of Abram - a man of faith and a man of flaws. We will also meet is wife Sarai. We will see the patience of God try the patience of man, and we’ll explore how to live in light of God’s unshakable promises. 

1. In 12:1, what three things is Abram told to go from?


2. In 12:1-3, we have our first glimpse of the future God has planned for 
    Abram. Write down the five “I wills” below.

   1. “I will_____________________________________________________
   2. “I will_____________________________________________________
   3. “I will_____________________________________________________
   4. “I will_____________________________________________________
   5. “I will_____________________________________________________

3. According to 12:4, how old was Abram when he left Haran? ______

4. Does Abram lie to Pharaoh about Sarai? Look ahead to Genesis 20:12 
    to help with your answer.

5. Though Sarai is silent during this part of the story, what might have been 
    her thoughts and feelings about Abram’s survival plan?

6. Did Abram’s actions in Egypt threaten God’s plan to make him a great 
    nation? Explain your answer.

7. In 13:12, where does it say that Lot pitched his tent?

8. In Genesis 14:13, where is Lot now?

9. Genesis 14:22: What does Abram’s response to the king of Sodom’s 
    offer of the spoils tell you about his character? 

10. What has this weeks passage showed who about God’s character? 

 What is one thing you can do to live in light of this truth?

11. Below is a map of Abram’s journey thus far. Follow his journey as you 


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