WBS Genesis 15-17
WBS Genesis 15-17
Lesson 12
1. How do God’s words to Abram make sense within the context of what
has just happened ( a battle that he has won) in the previous chapter?
Specifically, why would God reassure Abram that He Himself was:
Abram’s shield
Abram’s great reward
2. What does Abram’s reply in 15:2-3 indicate his greatest fear to be?
(We will talk more in detail about the covenant when we meet)
God formalizes His promises to Abram in a ceremony that would have
been understood by people in Moses’ time, although it’s seems strange
to us today. It was a covenant, their version of signing a legally-binding
contract. The concept of covenant is central to our understanding of God and our salvation. In the Bible, God enters into a number of covenants with man. In Genesis 1-11, we have already seen an implied covenant between God and Adam (2:15-17) and a spoken covenant between God and Noah (8:21-22; 9:8-11). Now we come to the third covenant between God and man—the Abrahamic covenant. (Genesis 15)
3. In Genesis 16:4-6, who behaves badly? List you prime suspects and
theories below.
4. How old was Abram when Ishmael was born?_____
5. Apply: When have you behaved like Sarai, allowing fear or self-reliance
to govern your actions? How did it work out?
When have you behaved like Abram, deferring to human wisdom over
God’s will? What was the outcome?
God’s will? What was the outcome?
6. Looking at Chapter 17:5, 15, For whom does God choose a new name?
____________ and ___________
7. Most covenants were accompanied by a sign. What was to be the sign
of God’s covenant with Abram/Abraham (17:11)?
Why do you think God Chose this as the sign of His covenant? ( We will
discuss this together, so don’t worry)
8. Look at 17:15-27. What emotion do you think Abraham is expressing
by his creation in 17:17?
What emotions is indicated by his words in 17:18?
9. What important new details does God share with Abraham (17:19-21)?
The child’s name:
The time of his arrival:
What aspect of God’s character has this week’s passage shown you?
How can you live your life today in light of this truth?
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