WBS: Genesis 18-20 Lesson 13

WBS Genesis 18-20
Lesson 13
“Three Visitors, Sodom & Gomorrah Destroyed, and Abraham & Abimelech

Look at Genesis 18 for the following questions.

1. Who are the three men who visit Abraham? Glance forward to 19:1, and write below 
    who each is, according to what you can tell from the text. 


2. What does 18:11 want us to know about Sarah?

    What questions does Sarah need to come to terms with (18:14)?

3. What do we learn about the character of Abraham in 18:23-33?
    List some thoughts below.

    What do we learn in this passage about the character of God?

Look at Genesis 19 the the following questions.

4. Where do we find Lot in 19:1

5. Why do you think that Lot presses them (angels) strongly to stay in his house?(19:3)

6. In 19:4-5, what is the intent of the men who surround the house?

7. In 19:6-8, what do we learn about Lot’s character from his response to the men? 

8. How many righteous people were found in Sodom? (19:15)________

9. What does 19:16 teach us about Lot? About God?

10. What does Lot do in 19:18-20? Check your answer below:

     ______ Repents of his foolishness
     ______ Agrees to do exactly as he is told
     ______ Bargains for a more favorable place to flee

11. Why do you think God turned Lot’s wife into a pillar of salt (19:26)?

12. In 19:27-28, what do you think Abraham was thinking as he looked down toward 

13. Apply: How have you known the faithfulness of God to deliver you from self-
      inflicted hardship due to foolish choices? 

Just when you thought things couldn’t get worse. 
14. What do Lot’s two virgin daughters decide to do (19:30-38)? Why? We will discuss 
      this further when we meet. 

      What does their behavior and their declared intent (19:32,34) indicate they believe 
      to be true about their value as women?

15. Abraham has a problem. His wife is smokin’ hot! 
      Having Deja vu? below list any similarities and differences between this story and  
      Genesis 12:1-20


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