Genesis lesson 18 31-33
WBS Lesson 18Genesis 31-33
“Sons Born to Jacob, Jacob Flees form Laban, Esau and Jacob reunite”
Now Look at Chapter 31 for the following questions:
6. What causes Jacob to leave for home?
7. In 31:13, of what location is Jacob reminded?
8. Why do you think Rachel stole her father’s household gods (31:19)? List some
possibilities below.
9. Which of the following best describes Laban’s words in 31:25-30?
____ The heartfelt sorrow of a wounded parent
____ A manipulative rant
____ Or something else:_________________________________________
10. How does Jacob answer Laban(31:31-32;36-42)?
_____ With deceit
_____ With humor
_____ With honesty
How is this noteworthy? Another words, do you see any change in Jacob?
11. How does Rachel avoid having her saddle searched (31:35)?
12. Apply: The story of Jacob and Laban illustrates that there are some people with whom it is virtually impossible to reconcile. How should we, as Christians, deal with such people? Cite any Scripture that supports your answer.
Read Chapter 32 and answer the following questions:
13. As Jacob goes to face his brother, what reassuring does he get (32:1)?
14. What does Jacob assume in 32:6-8? What is his emotional response?
15. In 32:22-32, we have a story that both strange and very familiar. We will discuss it
more when we meet, but for now, note the following:
Why do you think the “man” asks Jacob what his name is?
What is the new name given to Jacob?
(note: in the original language, the name means he strives with God or God
In what ways has God striven with Jacob?
Read Chapter 33 to answer the following questions:
1. What do you see in the way Jacob lines up his family while approaching his brother
Esau? What does this continue to reveal about the way his feels about his wives?
2. How are Jacob’s/Israel’s words in 33:11 fitting, given his history with his brother?
3. Jacob/Israel builds an altar in Shechem, as his grandfather Abraham did before him.
What is the meaning of the name he gives to the place?
What does this tell you about Jacob the deceiver, how Israel? Who does he finally
know has given him the blessing and the birthright?
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