Genesis lesson 19 Chapters 34-35
WBS Genesis 34-35
Lesson 19
Read Chapter 34 for the following questions:
1. What happens to Dinah in 34:1-4?
2. Who behaves badly in chapter 34? Fill in the chart below with the crimes each character
should be charged with. Note what you suspect their motives were.
Simeon and Levi
3. How was the sacred sign of circumcision profaned (used in a wrong way) by Simeon and
Levi? By the Shechemites?
4. How does Jacob’s response to the disastrous outcome in 34:30 reveal a serious lapse in
character? (hint: Note all the personal pronouns I/me/my/mine.)
5. The last verse of chapter 33 and the first verse of chapter 35 both mention God. How
many times does the word God occur in chapter 34?________
How is this significant?
Apply: Has there every been a time in your life where you felt/were victimized? How has God help you through it?
Read chapter 35 for the following questions:
6. In 35:2, what surprising items do we find have been tucked away in the luggage of Jacob’s
How long do you think Jacob has known the foreign gods were among his family members?
Why do you think he orders they be disposed of now?
7. Apply: God’s chosen people carried foreign gods around with them in the land of promise. What about you? What foreign gods from your past do you still hold on to? How might you try and bury them with the help of the Lord?
8. In 35:9-15, we see God reaffirming his faithfulness. Note the three statements that God
repeats to Jacob:
9. In 35:16-20, we have a third burial. Who is it? __________________
Is there anything ironic about the death of Rachel? (see 30:1)
10. Rachel names her second son Ben-oni> What does this name mean?___________________
Jacob gives him a different name. What is it? ___________________________
Where was Rachel buried? ____________________
What is this town best known for today? Hint: starts with a B and ends with a m.
11. In 35:22, we are given a sidebar about some bad behavior on the pat of one of Jacob’s
What was the son’s name?________________
What birth order was he? ______
According to cultural practices, the firstborn son would be given possession of his father’s
concubines upon the death of his father. What attitude toward his father does Reuben’s
sinful action imply?
12 Whose burial do we see in 35:27 for the fourth time in this chapter? ___________
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