Lesson 15: Genesis Chapters 24-25

WBS Lesson 15, Genesis Chapters 24-25
Abraham Finds a Wife for Isaac & the Death of A Patriarch, Isaac & Rebekah’s Parenting Skills revealed

Read Genesis 24 for the following questions.
1. Where does Abraham send his servant to get a wife for Isaac? (24:1-4)

2. Why do you think he is adamant that Isaac not go there, but that the servant go 
    instead? (24:5-9)

3. How many camels did the servant have with him? (24:10)_______
    A thirty camel may drink about 15-25 gallons of water in one watering. How much 
    water would need to be drawn for the camels?________ gallons
    Does this give insight into why the servant chose the test he did?

4. What is Rebekah’s relationship to Abraham? She is his__________________(24:15)

5. What do you think Laban was thinking abut the whole thing?(24:30-31)

6. What epitaph would you write for Abraham?
     Here Lies Abraham,

Read Genesis 25 for the following questions.
7. How old was Abraham when he died ( 25:

8. How old was Isaac when he married Rebekah? (25:20)______

9. How long did Isaac and Rebekah wait for a child? (25:26)________

10. Why do you think God allows barrenness for both Abraham and Isaac? 

11. What prophecy does God give to Rebekah regarding her sons? (25:23)

12. What are the family dynamics in Isaac’s household? What do you think of Isaac and 
      Rebekah’s approach to parenting?

13. Look up the word birthright in a dictionary. Write a definition for it that best fits the 
      way it is used in the text.

15. Apply:  Here we see Esau sacrifice the permanent on the alter of the 
      temporary. When have you been tempted to give up a long-term gift from God  
      for something that would bring immediate pleasure? 

16. What is one characteristic of God that has been displayed in theses verses. 

       What one step can you take this week to better live in light of this truth? 


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