Lesson 20 Genesis 36-37
WBS lesson 20
Genesis 36-37 Joseph In Egypt
Last week we saw Jacob flounder a bit in Shechem but finally return to Bethel having buried his idols. We said goodbye to Isaac and Rachel, and we saw the completion of Jacob’s family in the birth of Benjamin.
This lesson we will turn our attention to Esau for the entire chapter belongs to him. Lastly we begin the story of Joseph, Jacob/ Israel’s favorite son. We’ll watch once again favoritism create sibling rivalry in the family of God’s chosen family. We’ll lastly trace God’s hand in the life of a faithful servant, a life marked by patient endurance of suffering and loss, ending ultimately in great reward.
Read Chapter 36 for the following questions:
- Where did Esau settle(36:8)?The hill country of______________
2. Remember that Esau married three wives we’ll before Jacob married his first. For a very long time, how do you think Esau’s / Edom’s family compared in size to Jacob’s family?
Read chapter 37 to answer the following questions
- How old was Jacob’s son Joseph at the beginning of our story?(37:2_______
4. Why does Jacob love Joseph more than any of his other sons?(37:3)
5. What is the visible sign hat Joseph is his father’s favorite son?
6. How do the brothers react to their father’s favoritism? (37:4)
5. What do we learn about Joseph from the fact he tells his dream to his family in 37:5-11?
Focus on 37:12-36
Joseph’s journey to Shechem was about 50 miles. Dothan was about another 13 miles further. It was located along the caravan route traders from the north took to go to Egypt.
7. In 37:18, how do you think Joseph’s brothers recognized him from a distance?
8. In 37:20, what plan do the brothers concoct?
9. What do the brothers do immediately after throwing Joseph into the pit(37:25a)? What does this tell us about them?
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