Genesis38-39 Joseph In Egypt lesson 21

WBS Lesson 21 
Genesis 38-39

Read Chapter 38 to answer the following questions: 
It may seem like we are taking a major detour into weirdness with this section, but hang on. And remember to keep on eye on Judah. 

1. In verse one, why do you think Judah has departed from his brothers? Do you see anything significant about it? 

2.What are the names of the 3 sons born to Judah? _________   __________ _________

3.Who did the oldest son marry? _____________

4. Why do you think Onan did not want Tamar to conceive by him? 

    What would he stand to gain if he remained childless?

5.Why do you think Judah feared Shelah would die if he, too, married Tamar(38:11)

6. Why do you think the midwife ties a scarlet thread around the hand of the baby she believes will be delivered first(38:28)?

7. What is the name of the twin who is born first (38:29)

     Look at the genealogy found in Matthew1. Read through the first three verses, and 
     note what you find there. Does this surprise you? Why or why not? 

Chapter 39

1. Why does Joseph find favor with Potiphar?39:3

2.What is Joseph’s motive for refusing the advances of Potiphar’s wife? 39:9

3. What do you think Potiphar thought of the so called advances on her form Joseph? 

4. What pattern recurs in 39:21-23? How is this significant? 

Apply: How is Joseph’s response to Potiphar’s wife an example to us of how to handle temptation? 


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