Genesis final: Quiz on Chapters 12-50.

WBS Genesis Quiz Chapters 12-50

  1. According to 12:4, how old was Abram when he left Haran? 

          a.  12 years                           b. 75                            c. 80

2. In 13:12, where does it say that Lot pitched his tent? 

           a.  near Sodom                    b.  on the sea shore         c.  In Sodom

3. Where does it say that Lot is now? 14:12

           a.  near Sodom                    b.   In Sodom                   c.  on the seashore

4. What does Abram’s reply in 15:2-3 indicate his greatest fear to be? 

          a.  That he will die without children     b.  That he will fail as a husband                                    
          c. That he will not be able to follow God

5. Looking at Chapter 17:5, 15, for whom does God choose a new name? 

    Name all who apply:  Abraham and Sarah 

6. Most covenants were accompanied by a sign. What was to be the sign of God’s covenant 
    with Abram/Abraham (17:11)? fill in answer.


7. Where do we find Lot now in chapter 19:1?
            a. On the seashore           b. at the gates of the city         c. Near Sodom
                                                     ( Involved with the business of the city.) 

8. Why do you think Lot suggest these men take his daughters? Give your best thoughts on 
             possible answers: Lot may have understood the who these visitors were and felt it best to sacrificed his daughters. 

9. Why do you think God turned Lot’s wife into a pillar of salt? Give your best thoughts on 
             Possible answers : Pillars/ memorials were set up at many times in many locations as a source of remembrance. This could be a place for others to "remember" not to turn back when God delivers you. 

10. Who tells Abraham to listen to his wife Sarah? 21:12)

           a. Abraham          b. Sarah                 c. God

11. How many times did Abraham try to claim that Sarah was his sister? 

           a. once              b. twice           c. three times

12. In 22:5-8, what does Abraham seem to believe will be the outcome of this terrible 
      situation? See Hebrews 11:19 to help you. 

         a. That he may never see his son Isaac again  b. If God wants him to do this, He will raise 
                                                                                       him ( Isaac) from the dead.

13.  How old was Sarah when she died? 23:1

        a. 130         b. 100            c. 127

14. 25:20 How old was Isaac when he married Rebekah?

        a. 60             b. 40              c. 20

15. How long did Isaac and Rebekah wait for a child? 25:26

        a. 10 years           b. 20 years             c. 15 years

16. When it comes to Isaac and Rebekah’s approach to parenting, which answer below 
      describes it best?

        a. An ideal way of parenting       b. Less than ideal way of parenting 

17. Why do you think God allows barrenness for both Abraham and Isaac? Give your best 
 Possible answer: So everyone will know that these things happened because of God, no one else. 

18. How does God compensate Leah for being rejected by her husband? 29:31

         a. Gives her what every women wanted, a child   b. Allows her to live longer than Jacob

19. When Ruben sleeps with his father’s concubine, Jacob:

         a. Gets very upset       b. punishes Ruben right away     c. hears about it but does nothing

20.What two brothers decide to destroy Shechem in retaliation for what they did to their sister?

         a. Issachar and Ruben       b. Simeon and Levi              c. Simeon and Gad

21. In the story of Dinah Chapter 34, what do we hear her say about this situation? 

        a. That she loves Shechem     b. That he does not love Shechem    c. Nothing at all

22. Who are these three men?   Er,  Onan,   Shelah?  

        a. Sons of Judah            b. Kings of Shechem        c. Sons of Leah

23. Which of these did Tamar marry? 

    a.  Er            b. Shelah            c. Both Er and Onan

24. Why did Onan not want Tamar to conceive by him? 

     a. He didn’t like Tamar     b. He already had enough children    c. He would not inherit 
                                                                                                             anything if she had a son. 
25.  Tamar conceives by whom? 

       a. Er        b. Judah         c. Onan

26. What is the name of the firstborn of Tamar? 

       a. Perez      b. Samuel     c. Onan

27.What name do you find in Matthew 1:3

       a. Perez    b. Samuel      c. Onan

28. What is the reason Joseph refuses the advances of Potiphar’s wife? 39:9

        a. It would tarnish his stellar reputation    b. Dishonor God    c. Potiphar would be angry 

29. Jacob’s “blessings” to his sons were: 

       a. a way for Jacob to show who his favorites were           b. prophetic and from the Lord.   

   30. How old was Joseph when he died? 

      a. 175                 b. 180         c. 110     


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