Hebrews Lesson 2 Chapters 3-4
WBS Genesis Chapters 3-4
Lesson 2
Having establish Jesus’ superiority over angles in chapters 1-2, the author of Hebrews now tells how the Old Testament finds its fulfillment in Christ. For the original Jewish Christian audience, no Old Testament prophet would have been more revered than Moses, a man entrusted by God with the responsibility to lead Israel out of bondage in Egypt. He wrote the first five Books of the Bible and received the Law from God. The author of Hebrews asks his hearers to “consider Jesus” in relation to Moses, pointing them to a better Deliverer. (3:1b)
Read Chapters3-4 for the following questions:
Answers may vary
- According to this week’s passage, who or what is Jesus Christ better than?
Moses & Joshua If you just put Moses that's fine too.
2. Look at 3:2. Specifically, what aspect of Moses’ character is highlighted for comparison to Christ?
“…Just as Moses also was _________Faithful_______ in all God’s house.
3. What contrast are we given in 3:5-6 between Moses and Jesus?
“ And Moses was faithful ___In___ all God’s house as a _____Servant______…”
“…. But Christ is faithful ____over_______ God’s house as a ___Son_____.”
4. What do you think is meant by the if statement in 3:6? Look up 2 Corinthians 13:5 to help
with your answer.
The evidence or fruit of someone who is of God's household is "holding fast" to their confidence in Christ Jesus. Not just a hope "hoping everything works out" But a hope with expectation and confidence.
5. Why might a contrast between Christ and Moses have been necessary and helpful for the original hearers of Hebrews?
Because they looked up to him. Moses was their law giver, their deliverer, wrote the first 5 Books of the Bible. But even he did not fulfill that rest of the promise land. He didn't make it in. He was flawed human. Jesus therefore is greater. He brings rest.
6. Apply: What great man of woman of faith have you placed on a pedestal? What are the dangers of believing or expecting that our leaders can “do no wrong”?
Answers may vary: I think we understand that our leaders are human, but we don't always expect or want them to live like they are.
Read Chapter 4 for the following questions:
7. What kind of fear do you think 4:1 is exhorting us to feel? Compare other translations to help with you answer.
Answers may vary: Be careful, take careful, be on guard. Be afraid lest you fall away from God.
8. Old Testament Israel had the opportunity to enter into the physical rest of the promised land—a rest from their wandering and their enemies. We have the opportunity to enter into rest of a different nature. Look up Matthew 11:28-29 and note what Jesus has to say bout our resin the space below.
We enter that rest through obedience and faith in the Gospel. The Holy Ghost is assurance of this rest. (Is 28:11-12) Act 2:4
Unbelief blocked the path to rest for those in the OT. The promised of rests an eternal promise not bound by temporal conditions or earthy constructs.
We rest in what Christ did on the Cross. We have rest in Him. Even though there is still the enemy of sin, we now have power over it.
One day we will enter that final rest when we get to heaven where our rest will never end. There we'll have compete rest from our enemies... sin.
Unbelief blocked the path to rest for those in the OT. The promised of rests an eternal promise not bound by temporal conditions or earthy constructs.
We rest in what Christ did on the Cross. We have rest in Him. Even though there is still the enemy of sin, we now have power over it.
One day we will enter that final rest when we get to heaven where our rest will never end. There we'll have compete rest from our enemies... sin.
Based on what you wrote above, what work(s) do we rest from when were rest in Christ?
Answers may vary. Being good enough or thinking we can earn our way.
9. In 4:11 what other word can you substitute for “diligent”. Active, attentive, carful, earnest, eager, persistent. Again the author points his readers to the idea of "paying attention, staying the course etc....
10. What five descriptions are given for the Word of God in 4:12?
Living, powerful, sharp, piercing, dividing, discerner..... ok there are six.
Jesus says "come unto me all who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest."
So let's exhort one another daily.... we need it! Love you all sooooo much!
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