Hebrews 12-13 Final study

WBS Lesson 

Hebrews 12-13

Read Chapter 12 for the following questions: 

  1. What two exhortations are we given in 12:1? How do they relate to one another?
*lay aside every weight     * run with endurance 
A picture of an athlete is given throughout the Book. They relate in that: to run with endurance you have to let go of whatever will encumber you. 

2. The virtue of endurance is offered to us as a necessary part of running our race. Look up the word endurance in the dictionary or thesaurus and write a definition for it below that fits with the context of Hebrews 12. The ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions. 

3. What human relationship does the author use to explain the discipline of God? How is it helpful? (Hebrews 12:5-11)

A father and son. It's helpful in that we can relate to the relationship. 

4. Esau is presented to us as a negative example in 12:16-17. Look back at his story in Genesis 25:29-34. What specific sinful attitudes cause him to be listed here in Hebrews as “unholy”?

Answers may vary: Esau sought immediate gratification. He wanted what was "seen" not what was to come, hie birth right.Those who are sexually immoral seek what is immediately gratifying. 

5. There are two contrasting images presented in 12:18-24. They are listed below. Write down as many things you can find about these two Mountains. We will discuss this together when we meet. Answers may vary
Mt. Sinai (Exodus 19:1-15)
Mount Zion
What is seen 
Not seen, what was to come
told to not touch, stay away
substance of the shadow
It was a shadow of what was to come
"come boldly before the throne of grace

Read Chapter 13 for the following questions: 

6. The major emphasis has been the superiority of Jesus Christ over all others. 
Put a check mark for all that apply. Christ is “Better” than:

_x__the Hebrew prophets              __x_Aaron                                 __x_Levitical sacrifices
__x_angels                                     __x_Joshua
_x__Moses                                     ___xLevitical priesthood

7. We looked at Abel’s story briefly last week(11:4). Now we see his shed blood compared to Christ’s (12:24). In what sense does the blood of Christ speak a better word than the blood of Abel? Give your best answer. We will discuss this together when we meet. 

Abel’s “word”: Abel's blood cries out for justice for sin; tells of the horror of sin

Christ’s “word”: Cries out for mercy for sinners; covers the horror of sin

8. In chapter 13, the author sums up what the impact of the new convenient on daily Christian living looks like? Match the verse with the theme: (the first one is done for you)

_d__Verse 1                      a. respect for and submission to spiritual leaders

_c__verse  2                      b. a life characterized by thanksgiving and doing good

__g_verse 3                       c. love for strangers

_e__verse 4                       d. Lover for our brothers and sisters

_f__verse 5                       e. honor for one’s spouse

__a_verses 7,17                 f. it produces contentment and confidence in God
 _h__verses 8-9                  g. love for imprisoned believers and those who are mistreated 
 __b_verses 15-16              h. having doctrinal stability


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