Hebrews Lesson3 Chapters 5-7
WBS Lesson 3
Genesis chapters 4:14-16 to 7
For these next three chapters may I suggest reading it in the Message Bible? Just to give you a little clearer understanding. Then you can read it again in an actual translation. These verses can be difficult. In this study we may not cover every aspect but we will get to the author’s main point : Jesus is a better High Priest.
1. In 4:14 the idea of holding fast occurs as it has in two earlier verses. It will occur two more times in the Book of Hebrews as well. Fill in the blanks for what we are to hold fast to.
3:6 “…hold fast our confidence and our ___Hope________”
3:14 “…..hold our original _____confidence________________ firm to the end.”
4:14 “… let us hop fast our confession”
6:18 “….hold fast to the ___________Hope ______ set before us.’
10:23 “……hold fast the _________confession / hope_____ without wavering.”
2. Focus on Chapters 5:1—5:14 In the chart below we will compare the Old Testament
High priest and Jesus as our Great High Priest. Put an X under the column that applies.
Put an X under the column that applies
Old Testament High Priest
Jesus, Our Great High Priest
Sympathetic to others (knows what they are going through)
Had to offer a sacrifice for himself (his sins)
Called position (one could not call himself) called by God
His service was only temporary
Sins were never done away with only pushed off
Sacrificed for the sins of others, but not Himself because He was sinless
Sins were done away once and for all
His service was forever
3. Apply: With Christ as our Great High Priest, all believers are called to serve as a royal priesthood (1Peter 2:9). How good are we at dealing “gently with the ignorant and wayward” who God places in our sphere of influence? How might we grow in that regard? (5:2a)
Focus on chapter 6 for the following questions
4. In 6:1-2, there are 6 things that the author says are foundational. He says that they should,
not move away from, but move on from. They are to build on this foundation. Below draw a
line to match the 6 things (which are grouped together by 2) to the word which they have to
Repentance for dead works God The church
Faith towards God
Doctrine of baptisms Church Future
Laying on of hands
Resurrection of the dead Future God
Eternal judgment
5. In 6:19 what does it mean to you for Christ to be your anchor?Anchors prevent a ship from being sweated away by wind or waves. What's more interesting and relevant to this particular use is that anchors are often placed away from the ship. In a horror for instance, sailors would carry the anchor some distance away securing it to a reef, or the shore, or the dock. This aspect of an anchor makes more sense in light of the nest image brought out in this verse. "presence behind the veil.." Goes before us.
"forerunner "
6. Read chapter 7. Under Melchizedek are a list of his attributes. In the next column put an x for anything that is true of Jesus Christ.
Background information to help you: There are only two Old Testament references to Melchizedek: Genesis 14:18-20 and Psalms 110:4. Melchizedek was both a king and priest at the same time. This was entirely unknown and in fact impossible under the Mosaic Law. The author wants his readers to consider this carefully, for it proved that their own Scriptures predicted their Messiah would be a priest/king.
Also, 7:2 The writer of Hebrews uses this story form Genesis to show that Christ is even greater than Abraham father of the Jewish nation, and Levi (Abraham’s descendant). Therefore, the Jewish priesthood ( made up of Levi’s descendants) was inferior to Melchizedek’s priesthood (a type of Christ’s priesthood).
Also, Salem is Jerusalem. So Melchizedek was a priest of God in Salem (Jerusalem) long before the nation of Israel and the regular priesthood began. Jeru: foundation salem : peace
Name means “king of righteousness”
King of Salem …Salem means Peace “King of Peace”
His priesthood does not end
Not a priest from the descendants of Levi
A high priest forever
7. According to Chapter 7, the author of Hebrews makes a point of what is better. See if you
agree. Circle the one that is better in each group.
A priesthood that descends on high. OR A priesthood of Levi
A high priest with strong and permanent Weak and temporary high priest
A high priest who has made no oath A high priest who had made an oath
Many priests who are limited and temporary One priest who is superior and
able to reach as far as the sinner
may go and beyond
A high priest who is innocent Early priesthood who were guilty
A high priest who is unstained Early priesthood who were certainly
stained with sin
An earthly high priest who is a sinner A high priest that is exalted above
himself the heavens
The only Bible these people have at this time in the Biblical story is the Old Testament. They are still living the New Testament. So anything they needed to know about Christ would be found in the Old Testament.
So the author takes his original audience and us back to the original pattern of high priesthood in Melchizedek. A king and a priest. Melchizedek is only mentioned 2 times in the Old Testament. 1st in Genesis 14... the story with Abraham. The 2nd time is mentioned by king David 1,000 years after the 1st. And 1,000 years after David mentions Melchizedek we find Jesus. Melchizedek was a shadow of what was to come.
How is Jesus superior to Melchizedek ?
1. The Oath
2. The Office
3. The Offering/ Sacrifice
The oath: none of the O.T. priests were ever sworn into office. But God swore an oath giving us a priesthood forever. God cannot lie.
Office: Jesus is a priest forever. He redeems us and ever live to intercede for us. Never dies.
Offering/Sacrifice: for the first time the priest and victim were one and the same. Aaron and the others could never do this because they weren't spotless, worthy, clean, holy. But Jesus is all of these and more. Jesus hold the qualifications to offer that sacrifice as well as be that sacrifice.
To to the Jews this says: Leave your priesthood and turn to Christ.
To the Gentile: Reminding them they need a priest... Jesus the Eternal High Priest.
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