Lesson 2 Chapters 1-3

1 Samuel Chapters 1-3

Opposing the Proud, Exalting the Humble

Lesson 2

The story of Samuel the prophet begins much like other stories of God’s faithfulness: in conflict, corruption and barrenness. The word of the Lord has suffered neglect, the priests of the Lord exploit the faithful, and a woman named Hannah cannot bear a child. Infertility was the greatest stigma known to women of Hannah’s time and culture. But though her womb may be barren, her faith is rooted deep. God grants her prayer, and she shows herself to be a woman of her word. As the sons of Eli fatten themselves in the day of slaughter, this daughter of lack brings to the house of God a precious and pleasing sacrifice: a son with an ear attuned to the voice of the Lord. 

Answers may vary.

  1. Summarize what happens in each chapter in 2-3 sentences. 


        Chapter 1: Hannah asked God for a son to dedicate to Him. Samuel is born and dedicated to God

        Chapter 2: Hannah's prayer. Knows the "I AM" and exalts His name. 

        Chapter 3: God speaks to Samuel (first prophecy). All Israel knew that Samuel had been established as a prophet of the 


2. Match each major character introduced in these chapters to the description that fits 


       Elkanna                                           Priest, father of faithless sons


       Hannah                                           Child dedicated to service to God

       Peninnah                                        Favored wife, mother of Samuel

           Eli                                               Wicked priests

 Hophni / Phinehas                               Cruel rival wife

       Samuel                                           Husband of two wives

Next to each character’s name, put a +, -, or N depending on whether you think the author wants you to view that character in a positive, negative  or neutral light. 

3. Rewrite the vow that Hannah makes to the Lord in 1:11 in your own words. If you will hear me Lord and act, I will give him right back to You. answers may vary


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