Lesson 3 1 Samuel 4-6 The Philistines and the Ark
1. Place the following events in chronological order: 4:1-11
___6___ The ark is captured by the Philistines in battle.
___2___ The Israelites decide to bring the ark of the covenant from Shiloh to help them
with the battle against the Philistines.
___1___ The Philistines defeat the Israelites in battle.
___4___ Panic of the “gods” of Israel drives the Philistines to fight with more courage.
___5___ The Philistines defeat Israel in battle for the second time in a severe slaughter.
__3____ The Israelites raise a shout so loud that the ground shakes.
2. How many Israelite men were killed in the first battle? (4:2) __4,000___
How many Israelite men were killed in the second battle? (4:10) __30,000____
3. Circle the word(s) that best describes Eli’s mental state while Israel was at war: Answers may vary
Embarrassed Anxious Sad
Hopeful Watchful Fearful
4. In 6:1, how long did the Philistines have the ark? ____7 months.
5. In 6:10-12, how does their test prove that God had sovereignly directed the ark’s
return to Israel?
It would have had to be a miracle for those cows to make it to the Israelites.
6. In reading 6:13, how concerned do you think the Israelites were with the loss of the
ark? They seem to be doing business as usual. Not concerned that the Ark has been missing for 7 months. They are however, glad to see it returned to them.
This is a picture of the grace and mercy of God. Even when His children aren't even aware of their need for Him, He makes His way to us.
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