1 Samuel 9-10 A King Like the Nations Part 2 Lesson 4
WBS Lesson 4 1 Samuel 9-10
A King Like the Nations Part 2
Out of the 45 US presidents only 6 have been below the average height for males (5'9"). We want a tall man in charge. The text here in 1 Samuel goes to great lengths to make sure we know that Saul, Israel's first human king, was tall, wealthy, and handsome! He is everything Israel could have wanted...from the outside.
Answers may vary
1. In 9:1-2 How does the text describe Saul?
He has a father who is rich and powerful
He is doubly handsome and tall (head and shoulders above the rest!)
2. Look at 9:15-17. What are the two purposes God says Saul will accomplish?
9:16______Commander over Israel_______Save Israel from the Philistines
9:17_______________ reign over Israel
3. Look up the word “seer” in a dictionary. In your own words, write a definition below
that best fits the way it’s used in the text.
Seer: A person endowed with profound moral and spiritual insight or knowledge.
4. How is Saul described in 10:23? Write it in your own words.
Taller than all the rest.
Look back at 9:1b, what is mentioned about Saul’s father?
A man of powers
5.Compare Saul’s behavior in 9:21,10:16 and 10:21.
Place a check by the word(s) that describe Saul’s response to the Lord’s divine call
on his life.
___ Humility
6. Appy: Saul was chosen by God for a specific purpose, yet he lacked confidence in his
calling. In what part of your life do you doubt God’s ability to use you? How would walking in
a greater confidence in God affect your ability to minister in each of the areas below ?
At home________________________________________________________________________
In the church____________________________________________________________________
In your community_______________________________________________________________
Summarize each chapter in 2-3 sentences
Here are some take aways from this week's lesson:
1. We need to be humble, unlike Israel was
2. We should understand that what God has provided for us is enough.
3. God is sovereign in our lives, even in the day to day of living it out.
4. We think we can be happier with being like someone or something else.
5. We may have a tendency to think that God is not enough.
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