WBS Lesson 5  1 Samuel 11-13

Saul’s Victory and Unfaithfulness





Focus on Chapter 11

1. What do the men of Jabesh request of Nahash(11:1)

    What treaty condition does Nahash require? 11:2

2. What happens to Saul immediately after he hears the news about the men of Jabesh(11:6) Why do you think the author mentions this detail ? 

3. In 5 words or less, restate the command Saul gives to the people of Israel in 11:7.

Focus on Chapter 12

4. Samuel begins his farewell speech. Gone is the reign of the judges. Israel wants a king to rule over them. There are 4 identifiable parts to his speech that usually begin with “Now therefore”. Draw a line to the point that is made with the Scripture there it’s found.

                   1 Samuel 12:1-3                            God’s sign is given

                   1 Samuel 12: 7-12                         Samuel’s innocence is being established

                   1Samuel 12:16-17                         Israel’s guilt is established


                   1 Samuel 12: 13-15                       God’s terms are described

Focus on Chapter 13

5. How are the Philistines described in 13:5?

    And the Philistines mustered to with with Israel, ________ ____________ chariots and   


   ____ ______________ horsemen and troops like the _________ on the _____________ 


    in multitude.

6. After seeing them, how does Israel respond ?(13:6-7)


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