Lesson 8 1 Sam 18-19 Covenant

WBS 1 Samuel 18-19 Lesson 8

Summarize Chapters




  1. List items that Jonathan gives to David in 18:4. What do you think Jonathan’s gifts symbolize? 1.              2.             3.              4.                    5. 

Royal rob, belt, armor, bow

2. Who loves David?! List all the people in Chapter 18 that love/ like David: 

Jonathan, all Israel, Michael, the women

3. If Saul is so angry at David and wants him dead, why does it please him to hear that 

    his daughter loves David? 8:20 (you may want to read a little further to help with your 


He hopes David will be distracted and die on the battlefield. 

4.  What does king Saul want as a dowry? 8;25

100 Philistines' foreskins..... weird!

5. In 19:4 who tries to speak wisdom to Saul about his plans to kill David?

His son Jonathan

6. In 19:11b - 14, who is protecting David?

Saul's daughter Michael

7. Rewrite 19:17b in your own words. David said he would kill me if I didn't help him.

8. In 19:20; 19:21, how many times we’re Saul’s messengers overcome by the Holy 


3x then 1 more when it happed to Saul.

9. How do you feel about the way this chapter ends? We’ll discuss this when we meet. 

Notice the similarities between the way Saul was confirmed as king and how these verses in chapter 19:

1 Samuel 9:6 - Saul comes to Ramah 

                      - comes to a well and asks for directions to find Samuel

                      - Saul prophecies with a group of prophets

                      - people marvel and say “Is Saul also among the prophets?”

1 Samuel 11: 6  - The Spirit comes upon Saul and he is given authority and power

Now what is happening to him?

19:22 - Saul comes to Ramah

          - He comes to a well and asks for directions to find Samuel.

vs. 23 -He prophecies with a group of prophets

vs. 24 - People say, “Is Saul also among the prophets?”

           -Then the Spirit comes upon Saul and his garments are removed.


We are seeing the undoing of Saul in the same process as we saw him come to power.

Saul is striped of his dignity and his kingdom here…figuratively. 

Take away in these chapters: 3 Tall me who are brought low. Saul, Eliab, Goliath

We’ve seen everyone that we’d think should be victorious is not. The last and the least have been exalted. Hannah was right! 1Samuel 2:7

We can see that David is beginning to rise as Israel’s deliverer. But as we read, even David will leave us wanting someone better. David points us to the only One who can deliver us from sin and death… Jesus Christ. 


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