Introduction to 2nd Samuel Lesson 1

Introduction to 2 Samuel


We will begin our 2nd half of the story that began in 1 Samuel. We will fill in these introduction questions below together on Wednesday when we meet. 

Here are some reading “tools” to help you, not just with 2 Samuel, but with any book of the Bible you read. 

We are reading for 3 things: 

C___________________ says, _____________________________________________________

I ___________________ says, ______________________________________________________

A __________________ says, ______________________________________________________

1. Who wrote the book of 2 Samuel?

2. To whom was it written? 

3. When was it written?

4. In what style was it written? 

5. What are the central themes of the book? 



Attributes of God: 

Attentive: God hears and responds to the needs of His children.

Compassionate: God cares for His children and acts on their behalf.

Creator: God made everything. He is uncreated.

Deliverer: God rescues and saves His children. 

Eternal: God is not limited by and exists outside of time.

Faithful: God always keeps His promises.

Generous: God gives what is best and beyond what is deserved.

Glorious: God displays His greatness and worth.

Good: God does what is best and gives what is best. He is incapable of doing harm.

Holy: God is perfect, pure and without sin.

Incomprehensible: God is beyond our understanding. We can comprehend Him in part but not in whole.

Infinite: God has no limits in His person or in His power.

Immutable/Unchanging: God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Jealous: God will not share His glory with another. All glory rightfully belongs to Him.

Just: God is fair in all His actions and judgements. He cannot over-punish or under-punish.

Loving: God feels and displays infinite unconditional affection toward His children. His love for them does not depend on their worth, response or merit. 

Merciful: God does not give His children the punishment they deserve.

Omnipotent/Almighty: God holds all power. Nothing is too hard for God. What He wills He can accomplish.

Omniscient: God knows everything, past, present and future, all potential and real outcomes, all things micro and macro.

Patient/Long-suffering: God is untiring and bears with His children.

Provider: God meets the needs of His children.

Refuge: God is the place of safety and protection for His children.

Righteous: God is always good and right.

Self-existent: God depends on nothing and no one to give Him life or existence.

Self-sufficient: God is not vulnerable. He has no needs.

Sovereign: God does everything according to His plan and pleasure. He controls all things.   

Transcendent: God is not like humans. He is infinitely higher in being and action. 

Truthful: Whatever God speaks or does is truth and reality.

Wrathful: God hates all unrighteousness.

Wise: God knows what is best and acts accordingly. He cannot choose wrongly.

Worthy: God deserves all glory and honor and praise. 


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