2 Samuel 19-20 Lesson 9

WBS 2 Samuel 19-20 Lesson 9

  1. Describe David’s emotional state in 19:1-4. Why do you think the death of Absalom is such a complicated issue for him personally? Look back to 2 Samuel 12;10-11 and 18:31-33 to help with your answer.

2. Summarize Joab’s warnings to David in one or two sentences. 19:5-7.

3. What line of reasoning does David use to appeal to the elders of Judah for his return 19;12?

“You are my _____________________, you are my __________ and my _____________.”

4. Apply: As King David is being restored to his kingdom, he extends grace and mercy to those who have wronged him. Consider the relationships in your life. Who has wronged you and needs to have grace and mercy extended to them?  What is one step you can take to move toward restoration?

5. What What word is used to describe Sheba in 20:1?


  What message does he proclaim to the people?

6. What is the agreement Joab makes with the wise woman? 

7. Considering his previous lack of mercy with his opponents, how are his comments in 20:20 ironic? 

8. Apply: Read 2 Samuel 7:8-14. How do you think god’s unconditional promise to establish a kingdom that will endure forever brought hope to a weary King David? 

  How should it bring hope to the present day church? 


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