Acts Chapter 2 lesson 3 Pentecost

WBS Acts Lesson 3

Chapter 2


  1. Summarize each section of the text in one or two sentences: 







2.  Who is the “they” who were gathered all together (2:1)? Look back at 1:15 to help with

     your answer. The 120 in the upper room

3.  True or False:  In verse 2, this was a definite signal to the disciples that this was the 

                            fulfillment by Jesus in John 3:8. 

4.  What happened to the people gathered together when they were filled with the Holy Spirit?  

     (2:4)They spoken in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. 

5. True or False: This speaking in tongues was a new phenomenon which was the evidence of 

                           the Holy Spirit at the beginning of the church and it’s evidence in our time 


6. True or False:  At the end of the age, it’s this same Holy Spirit within believers that will enable 

                            us to be caught up to meet Him in the air. (Romans 8:11)

7.  Pentecost was one of three major feasts observed by Israel (2:1). It was also known as the 

     “Feast of Weeks.” Pentecost occurs on the _50___ th day after Passover (Lev. 23:16).

8. True or False: Peter quotes David in the Psalms. Peter’s audience would have been.      

                           unfamiliar with David. 

Apply:  In the Book of Acts, we will see consistent connection between the outpouring of the 

            Spirit and the sharing of the gospel. How bold are you about speaking of the mighty 

            works of God to others? What are some of the factors that tempt you to shrink back 

            from doing so? 

7. Which of the twelve is the first to preach boldly (2:14)?____Peter__________

8. In verse 37 it says that by Peter’s words they were cut to the heart. When Jesus was 

    arrested, Peter cut off the right ear of one of the soldiers. Now Peter being filled with the 

    Holy Ghost holds another sword — the sword of the Spirit — God’s Word. Which sword is 

    more powerful? 

The Spirit 

9.  What does Peter tell them to do in 2:32?  …”____repent_________, and let every one of you be 

     ______baptized_________ in the name of _______Jesus________ for the remission of sins; and you shall 

     receive the gift of the _____Holy_____ _____Ghost______.”

8. In 2:41, how many people were saved that day? _____3,000______

9. In 2:46, what were two primary gathering places of the early church?

Temple and homes

10. Focus on Acts 2:42-47 Underline all the things that the people did. Then circle all the things 

      the God did.


-continued in the apostles’ doctrine


-Had fellowship by eating together and praying together


-Had all things in common


-Shared with others who were without


-Were glad 


-Praised God


-Were respected by all the people


-Added to the church 

If we take care to follow the above examples, God will take care of growing the church.  

This story centers on Pentecost: 

Exodus    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Acts 2                                

From the passover as the Israelites leave Egypt                                                                                    Jesus is crucified on passover. 50 days 

to when they are at Mt. Siani is 50 days. So they received the                                                              later the promise of the Spirit is given. 

covenant on Pentecost.                                                                                                                          No longer are His laws written in stone, 

                                                                                                                                                                but in our hearts. ( a new covenant)

Acts 2:17 speaks of the "last days" What are the last days and when did it begin and when does it end? Let's look back at another major event that the Bible says will be similar to our "last days". "As the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be."

Matt 24:37-39

Enoch named his son Methuselah which means "On his death it shall come". What shall come? the flood... 

Methuselah was 187 years old when his son Lamech was born

Lamech was       182 years old when his son was born.(Noah)

for a total of 369 years. 

We know from Genesis that Noah was 600 years old when the flood came. 

369 Plus 600 is 969 years, the age at which Methuselah died. Methuselah was God's time clock for when he was going to destroy the earth with the flood. 

Do we have a time clock for when God will return to rapture his church? 

God does something major every 2,000 years:

From Adam to flood   2,000 years

After flood to Christ   2,000 years

From Pentecost to now  2,000 years


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