Acts Lesson 2 Chapter 1The Holy Spirit Promised

WBS Acts Lesson 2

Chapter 1      

The Holy Spirit Promised

1.  Summarize each section of the text in one or two sentences:

     1:1-5Answers may vary




Look at Acts 1:1-11 for the following questions.

2. How much time does Luke indicate Jesus spent with His followers between His  

    resurrection and His ascension (1:3)? ___40 days______ Based on the text, what was the 

    purpose of His time with them?

Sspeaking of things pertaining to the Kingdom. The very last words in Acts 28:31we see Paul doing the same thing "Declaring the Kingdom of God."

3.  What reason does Jesus give for His apostles to remain in Jerusalem? (1:4)

          “…wait for the _______promise______ of the _____Father____________…”

     To help you in your study, here are a few OT verses and NT verses that speak of that 

     promise: Joel 2:28-32; Isaiah 32:15; 44:3; Jeremiah 31:33; Ezekiel 37:14; Luke  

     24:49; John 14:16-18, 15:26, 16:13, 20:22.

4.  Jesus promises a baptism of the Spirit. Why is baptism a scripturally appropriate 

     image to use here. Look at the following verses to help with your answer. We will 

     discuss this further when we meet.

     Isaiah 44:3 Jesus is brining these Old Testament Scriptures to mind because they would have been very familiar with them. They know about the baptism with water, now they will know baptism of the Spirit. 

     Joel 2:28-29     

5.  What do you think the apostles mean by their question in 1:6? What are they 

    expecting Jesus to do? Compare Luke 24:21; 2 Sam 7:16; Isa 9:6-7 and Luke 1:33 

    to help with your answer. The  disciples believed at that time Jesus would restore the earthly kingdom, not understanding that the promised restoration was far into the future, to be established after the church age.

     Jesus does not rebuke them for asking this but it may have aroused their curiosity  

     by His response. Fill in the blanks below: 

     What they will not receive (1:7)__________When He will restore. (time/season


     What they will receive (1:8a) Power when Holy Ghost comes

     What they will become (1:8b) witnesses

Apply: Jesus commands the apostles to stay in Jerusalem and wait for the baptism of the Spirit. Their waiting was a combination of certainty (that the promise would be fulfilled) and uncertainty (how and when it would happen). How have you known the certainty of God’s faithfulness amid uncertainty? 

6. Look up the word “witness” in a dictionary or thesaurus and write a definition for it 

    that best fits the way it is used in 1:8

Now Look at Acts 1:12-26 for the following questions.

7. In 1:13 the author records each name of the remaining apostles. Who else does 1:14 

    indicate was present? ______Mary, the women who followed Jesus and supported him, Jesus' brothers.___________________________________________

 Apply: Read John 16:5-15. Write verse 7 below. 

   In what ways do you find it hard to believe that it is better in this life to have the Spirit  

   as your guide rather than Jesus in the flesh? 

8. The Holy Spirit that lives in us will quicken our mortal bodies (1 Corinthians 

    15:51-54) and Romans 8:11:But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the 

    dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your  

    mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” If you’re not completely 

    overwhelmed yet then complete the matching below and find out what else the Holy 

    Ghost does for us:


It guides                                                Luke 24:49 Empowers

It regenerates                                        Ephesians 1:13 it seals

Sanctifies                                               Acts 9:31comforts

Empowers                                             1 Corinthians 2:13 teaches

Anoints                                                   1 Corinthians 2: 10reveals

Quickens our bodies                              Luke 4:18Anoints

Seals                                                      John 3:5-8 it regenerates

Reveals                                                   Romans 8:11Quickens

Teaches                                                 2 Thessalonians 2:13 sanctifies

Comforts                                              John 16:13 It guides

Guarantee of our inheritance               Ephesians 1:14 guarantee of our inheritance


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