Acts Lesson 4 Chapters 3:1-4:31

WBS Lesson 4

Acts Chapters 3-4:31

A Healing, A Sermon, A Prison

1. Summarize each section of the text in one or two sentences.





2. Fill in the blank.   In whose name does Pete heal the lame man (3:6)? ______________


        Who does the lame man praise for his healing (3:8)?___________________________

        Who did the people see the healed lame man praising (3:9)?____________________

Now look at Acts 4:1-12

3. Which of the following do you think best describes the Jewish leaders’ most 

    pressing concern in questioning Peter and John? 


    _______ Understanding the miraculous healing

    _______ Keeping their authority and power

    _______ Verifying the truth of Jesus as the Messiah

Now look at 4:13-31

4. What about Peter and John leaves the Jewish leaders astonished? What has made 

    up for their lack of formal training (4:13)?

5. The Jewish leaders reach a decision:


    What command do they give (4:18)?     _____________

    Who do John and Peter plan to obey (4:19)? ________________


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