Acts 9 lesson 8 Saul Sees the Light

WBS Acts Lesson 8

Chapter 9

  1. Summarize each section of the text in one or two sentences:




2.  In 9:1-2, does Saul’s plans sound lackadaisical or calculated and planned? 

3.  Saul was planning to enter Damascus proud and with authority, angry and intent on 

     destruction, instead how does he enter Damascus? (9:8)

Apply: Saul’s conversion is a very familiar story. How has your perception of it 

           deepened or changed by giving it closer attention? 

4. In 9:17, what does Ananias call Saul? ______ ________________

5. After Saul receives his sight what happens to him? 9:17

6. What ironic situation is described in 9:23-24?

7.  Number Saul’s experiences in 9:17-19 in the order in which they happened.

     ______ Regains sight

     ______ Filled with the Spirit                     What does the order of events suggest 

     ______ Strengthened with food.              about the importance of receiving the

     ______ Baptized.                                     Holy Spirit and being baptized?



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