Acts Chapter 10 Lesson 9 Cornelius and Peter's Dream

WBS Acts Lesson 9

Chapter 10

  1. Summarize each section of the text in one or two sentences:





2.  What phrases are used to describe Cornelius in 10:2:





3. What happens immediately after Peter’s vision (10:17-20)?

4.  True or False

   _________ By Cornelius calling together his relatives and close friends, he fully 

                    expects God to do what He said He will do. He is aware that something 

                    very important is about to happen.

5. ________ Read 10:28b. Paul understands that the dream was not simply about 

                   dietary choices, but of human relationships.

6. Look up the word “partiality” and write a definition for it that best fits the way it is 

    used in 10:34.

Apply: Peter learns that he must broaden his circle of relationships. He must expand 

            them from what is familiar and comfortable to what is new, unfamiliar, and 

            uncomfortable. Yet he responds with an immediate willingness to obey. What 

            boundaries are you slow to cross for the sake of sharing the gospel? 

7. In 10:44-45 it says the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also.  

    “And they were astonished.”


    Why were the (Jews )astonished?________________________________________


    How did they know they received the Holy Spirit? 10:46_____________________


    What were they told to do next immediately after?10:47 ____________________


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