Acts 13-14 Paul and Barnabas

Acts Chapters 13-14

Lesson 1

Paul & Barnabas

1. Who are the prophets and teachers mentioned in 13:1?

2. After fasting and praying, what does the church do before sending off Saul and 


     According to 13:3 and 4, who  “sent them out” ? 

3. Apply: At Antioch, we see an example of a mighty missionary tool, a church that was 

    well-established, well-taught, diverse, devout , and seeing God’s direction. How do 

    you think the Church today can learn from the church at Antioch? 

4. As they travel through the island of Paphos, who do Saul, Barnabas, and John 

    encounter (13:6-7)

     Why does Elymus the magician oppose Saul, Barnabas, and John (13:8)? What is 

     he trying to do?

5.  In Acts 13:9 we see an important new detail introduced to the text—a new name for 

     a well-known saint. 

     Knowing what we know about the gospel going to Jews and Gentiles, why do you 

     think Saul is now and hereafter referred to as Paul? Now focus on Acts 13:13-43

6. What do we learn about John Mark in 13:13?

7. Just like Peter in Acts 2 and Stephen in Acts 7, Paul stands up and delivers a 

    speech concerning the history of Israel. Number the historical events Paul proclaims 

    in the order they occurred (13:17-25).

______God gives judges and Samuel the prophet

______Israel spent 40 years wandering in the wilderness

______God sends the promised Savior, Jesus

______God gives Israel King Saul

______The land of Canaan is given as an inheritance

______God gives Israel King David

______John the Baptist proclaims baptism of repentance

______God leads His people out of Egypt

8. In verse 50, who did the Jews stir up? 

9. How do Paul and Barnabas respond to being driven out by the Jews?

    “But they ________ ______ the _______ from their feet against them…..”

10. For whom do the people of Lystra mistake Paul and Barnabas (14:11-13)? How is 

      this both ironic and humorous? 

     What reason does Paul give for why the people should not worship them (14:15)?

Now look at Acts 14:19-28

11. What does Paul do the day after he is nearly stoned to death (14:20)? Does this 

    surprise you?

    In Galatians 6:17, Paul writes, “….for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord 

    Jesus.” I have to wonder if he had in mind the scars from this incident. 

12. As Paul and Barnabas travel back through towns they have previously visited, what 

    things do they do there (14:21-23)?



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