Acts Chapters 11:19-12

  1. Summarize each section of the text in one or two sentences:



2.  True or False

     _________When it was heard that the Gentiles also received the word of God, Peter

                     rebuked them.

                      What does he do instead? 11:4

3. When Peter is done telling this story, whose words does Peter end the story with? 


4.  How do the Jews finally respond to Peter’s story? (11:18)

Apply: When faced with heavy criticism, Peter responds by letting the work of the Holy 

           Spirit defend him. How do you usually respond to criticism? How does the 

           knowledge of God’s sovereignty affect the ways in which you defend yourself? 

WBS Lesson 11

Chapter 12

  1. Summarize each section of the text in one or two sentences: 




2.  What is the Church’s response to Peter’s imprisonment? (12:5)?

3. How many soldiers are guarding Peter? In what ways do they guard him? Read 

    12:4-6 to help with your answer.


4. What specific instructions does the angel give Peter (12:7-8)?




    Why do you think these details are given? What do they add to the story?

5. In 12:15, why do you think the people that have gathered are not quick to believe 

    Rhoda’s news?   

Apply: Testimonies of answered prayers strengthen our faith and the faith of those 

           around us. What is one prayer that God has recently answered for you?

6. How much time passes between Herod’s offense and God’s Judgment of his 



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