Acts 18:22-19:41 Lesson 4 Paul’s Third Missionary Journey


      Acts Lesson 4 18:22-19:41

1. Where does Paul go after leaving Ephesus (18:22-23)?

2. Note who we are introduced to in 18:24-26 and what we learn about him. 


    His unique qualifications for teaching________________________________

   What he speaks and teaches about ___________________________________

   How he speaks and teaches ________________________________________

   The knowledge he lacks __________________________________________

3. Which of the following do you think best characterizes Priscilla and Aquila’s interaction 

    with  the eager Apollos? (18:26)

_________ Condescending correction

_________ Loving mentorship and guidance

_________ Harsh reproof 

Which of the following do you think best characterizes the attitude and character of Apollos regarding his interaction with Priscilla and Aquila?

_________ Humble and teachable

_________ Arrogant and dismissive

_________ Defensive and stubborn

4. What is the fruit of Priscilla and Aquila’s investment in Apollos (18:27-28)?

    In what ways do you see Priscilla, Aquila, Apollos, and Paul all working together as partners? Look up 1 Corinthians 3:5-8 to help with your answers.

5. Summarize the exchange between Paul and the disciples he meets in Ephesus (19:1-7)?

   Paul’s question_______________________________________________

  The disciples’ answer__________________________________________

  Paul’s second question_________________________________________

  The disciples’ answer__________________________________________

  Paul’s explanation ____________________________________________

  The disciples’ response________________________________________ and when Paul laid 

   hands on them, what happened_________________________________.

6. Describe the miracles that happened in 19:11-12:

    Who is doing the miracles (19:11a)?_____________________

    Who is responsible for carrying out the miracles (19:11b)? _________________

    What makes these miracles “extraordinary” (19:12)? _____________________

7. In 19:23-27, what is Demetrius’ argument regarding the following:

    Economic Impact ____________________________________________________

    Religious Impact ____________________________________________________

    Cultural (community) Impact __________________________________________

8. Who intervenes and puts an end to the riot? 

    Name ___________________________________

   Occupation _______________________________

   Argument for disbanding _____________________________________________

   Result ____________________________________________________________


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