Acts 20:1-21:36 Lesson 5 Paul Returns to Jerusalem

 Acts Lesson 5 

1. We read briefly of Paul’s travels through Greece and Macedonia in 20:2-3. Look up the following passages to learn additional details about this time period:

 2 Corinthians 8:1-5

 Romans 15:25-26

2. In the story of Eutychus, do you think that he was actually dead and was brought back to life? Why or why not (20:9-12)

3. Acts 17-38 is broken up into 3 main parts: Paul says his farewell to the Ephesian elders at Miletus and gives he’s personal testimony, a charge to the elders, and his prayer on their behalf. Match each part to where it is found. 

Paul’s personal testimony                                                Acts 36

Paul’s specific charge to the elders                                  Acts 18-24 and 33-35

Paul’s prayer on their behalf                                            Acts 25-32

Now focus on chapter 21
4. Note the warning Paul receives from:
                                                                 WARNING                                      SOURCE OF THE WARING
 The believers in Tyre 21:4_____________________                        _____________________

 Agabus the Prophet 21:11 ______________________                    _____________________

5. What allegations do the crowd bring against Paul in 21:28?

6. Who essentially rescues Paul by arresting him and placing him in barracks? 

    “The _________________ of the ___________________ “ 21:31

7. Whose prophecy is fulfilled in 21:33? 

8. Apply: Paul was “ready not only to be imprisoned but even to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus” 21:13. What comforts or habits have you given up n the name of obedience to Christ? 


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