Acts 21:37-23:35 Lesson 6 Accusation and Arrest

                                                                               Acts Lesson 6

1. What misunderstanding is Paul able to clarify with the tribune (21:39)?

    What does this clarification permit him to do next (21:40)?

2. How does Paul establish his credibility with the crowd (22:1-5)?

    Family ties 22:1

    Language 22:2

    Birth 22:3

    Hometown 22:3

    Education 22:3

    Dedication 22:3b-4

    References 22:5

3. What is the “word” that the crowd refuses to listen to in 22:21-22?


    What does their anger at this “word” indicate about what really matters most to           them?

4. What method are the Roman’s prepared to do to get Paul to “talk” (22:24)?


     How does Paul get himself out of this precarious situation (22:25)?

Now Focus on Chapter 23

5. How does the high priest respond to Paul (23:2)? 

6. What is the result of the disagreement between the Jewish leaders (23:10)?

7. Who appears to Paul again in 23:11?

    What encouragement does He give to Paul? What certainty do His words give to      Paul in his immediate situation in Jerusalem? 

8. What plan do the 40 Jews come up with? 23:12-15

9. How many soldiers does the tribune order to protect Paul from the 40? 23:23

10. Apply: There is no rejection more painful than the rejection of those who should have loved us first and best. Paul’s situation is both painful and personal. Has there been a time when you were hurt by those who should have protected you? How did you handle it? Or how are you handling in? 


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