Proverbs Lesson 4 Lady Folly Chapters 5-7

Lesson 4

Lady Folly Chapters 5-7

  1. In 5:1-6 we learn about the “forbidden woman.” We were introduced to her in chapter 2 and we will see her again in chapters 7 and 9. Fill in the chart to note the similarities in the way she is described. Chapter 2 has been done for you. 


                               2:16-18              5:1-6        7:1-27                 9:13-18



The forbidden 


the adulteress











Smooth words

*drip honey

*smooth as oil



* cries out to her prey

Her *


Forsakes companion

of her youth (husband)/covenant of

her God

*sharp as two edge sword

*smooth as oil

*ways are unstable




*feet don't stay home

*brings down strong men

* calls to passerby's

*knows nothing

Her path’s


Her house sinks to the

dead, her paths to the departed

*Feet go down to death

*steps lay hold of hell

*house is the way to hell

* chambers of death

*the dead are with her

*guests are in hell

2. If to follow after Lady Folly is to commit adultery, who should we assume the father wants 

    his son to regard as a wife? lady wisdom--faithful

3. Compare 5:7 to 5:1. How has the audience for this teaching changed?

    Child to children

   What will this audience lose if they don’t stay away from the house of the forbidden woman  


    “Lest you give you honor to others and your years to the 

     merciless, lest strangers take their full of your wealth , and your  labors go 

     to the house of a foreigner, and at the end of your life you groan, when your flesh and body are consumed.”

    Do these statements reflect short-term or long-term consequences for pursuing folly?

long term

4. Why is it important for us to focus on the entire lifespan of sin rather than just the immediate 

     gratification it gives us?

Sins we commit are isolated. They effect others. 

Now look at Proverbs 6

5. Proverbs 6:1-5 was the first warning regarding …. Now look at the second warning in 

    6:6-11. What contrasts do you find between the ant and the sluggard? In the chart below, 

    note everything you can find.



*his ways are wise

*has no ruler -- does things without being told

*thinks of the future 

*not lazy


*needs prompting

*thinks for today only

6. Now look at the third warning in 6:12-15. What word does the NIV use for “worthless”?


What does this reveal about the person mentioned in this passage (6:12-15)? Note what you learn about:

Their behavior….corrupt

Their intentions….stir up conflict, plots evil

The consequences they experience…..disaster

7. List the seven things the Lord hates: haughty eyes, lying tongue, killers, scheming evil, evil deeds, false witness, troublemaker 

Now look at Proverbs 7

8. Compare 3:3 and 6:21 to 7:1-3. What repeated idea about wisdom do you find?

Bind around neck, fasten them to you

    How are “sister” and “intimate friend” appropriate metaphors for wisdom (7:4)?

close , part of you. 

9. As was noted in the chart in question 1, this is the third time we’ve met the “forbidden 

    woman/adulteress” (chapters 2 and 5, as well as a brief mention of her in 6:24). In 7:10-12

    what additional things does it say about her seduction tactics? Number them in the order 

    as they occur in the passage:

    _______ She promises luxury                      ________ She is bold

    _______ She is loud                                     ________ She promises secrecy/no consequences

    _______ She seems to be everywhere.       ________ She lies in wait

10. What entices the young man (7:21)?her words

      What would you have expected to entice him?her looks

11. List the three metaphors used to describe the young man in 7:22-23.

      1.a dumb animal (ox)


      2. a fool --caught

      3.birds  to a trap

      How are these a helpful and accurate picture of his decision?

it's your own doing

12. Look up James 1:13-15 and note what it teaches about temptation. How is it similar to the 

      description of the forbidden woman in Proverbs?

*conception (thought)       It doesn't come from God.

                                         --our own drawing away

*birth (sin)

* death


     What does it teach about taking responsibility for our sins?

It is our own doing

13. Apply: Many times in Scripture the people of God are tempted through enticing speech 

      (Eve in Genesis 3). Read Matthew 4:1-11. How did Jesus respond when He was tempted 

       by the words of Satan?

spoke the word of God


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