Proverbs Lesson 5 Which Will You Choose? Chapters 8-9

Lesson 5

Which Will You Choose

Chapters 8-9

Some answers may vary.

  1. Look at 8:2-3 in the NKJV. Note the locations wisdom cries from:


      “She takes her stand on the Top of the high hill, besides the way, where 


      the paths meet. She cries out by the gates, at the entry of the city


      At the entrance of the doors.” 

       Why are these locations appropriate for wisdom to cry out? How do they contrast 

        with Lady Folly prowling the streets as darkness falls? 

Whatever direction you are coming from--you'll see her. All walks of life are able to hear her. 

The path of wisdom is clear and the results of wisdom are positive.

2. According to Proverbs 8:13, “fearing the Lord is to hate evil…”

    According to Proverbs 1:7, where does “fear of the Lord” lead? Wisdom

    Therefore, what is required to obtain wisdom? Fill in the blanks below to determine 

    the pathway to wisdom.

    Hatred of evil is the fear of the Lord which is the beginning 

    of wisdom.

3. Apply: According to Proverbs 8:17, those who seek wisdom diligently will find her. 

    How would you describe your “search” for wisdom?

Answers will vary

4. Apply: Read Proverbs 8:32. What specific ways have you experienced blessing as a 

    result of walking in the way of wisdom? List two examples. 

Answers will vary

PLEASE NOTE: Read chapter 9:1-6. Then read 9:13-18. Skip verses 7-12 for now. 

5. Who builds the house and carves its pillars in 9:1-2 wisdom

    Who serves as butcher, hostess, and baker in 9:2 and 9:5? wisdom

    Read 9:6 and fill in the blank with the appropriate conclusion:

         We should make wisdom our friend/ and related answer

NOTE: Now read  9:7-12


           This middle section connects the thematic theme in both directions, to Wisdom  

            and to Folly. But the most important reason to see the central section as central 

            is that right in its center come the main point of the chapter—and the main point 

            of the whole book of Proverbs. What is that point? Fill in question 6 below to find 


6. Fill in the blanks for Proverbs 9:10:

    “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, And the   


     knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.”

7. How is the woman Folly described in Proverbs 9:13? Fill in the blanks below:

     “The foolish woman is clamorous; she is simple and knows nothing.”

8. At last Lady Wisdom and Lady Folly are presented side by side, like two candidates 

   on a ballot. Compare the two choices offered by the two women in the two scenes of 

   Proverbs 9.

                                    Lady Wisdom                          Lady Folly


9:1she build it 

9:14sits at her house


9:2,5she makes the meal

9:17steals her water


9:3she is sending out women who trust her because they are calling out on her behalf

9:14-15sits and cries out-alone; 

Place of proclamation

9:3high places

9:14-15high places


9:4simple/not so smart

9:14-15those who pass by ;simple /dumb


9:4-6walk in understanding

9:16-17all who are simple; lack understanding come in here

Response required

9:4-6forsake foolishness

9:16turn into folly's path

Consequence of ignoring the invitation 

9:6-8you'll have understanding /


Eventual end






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