Proverbs Lesson 11: Wisdom & Emotions (Part 1)

Lesson 11

Wisdom and Emotions (Part 1)

The Heart

  1. Read Proverbs 4:23 and fill in the blanks.

      “Keep your_________ with all ____________, for from it flow the __________ of _______.”

       What is the source of life in our lives?

2. In Scripture, the heart is the controlling center of the whole person. Note how each connect 

    our hearts to wisdom. 

    Proverbs 14:33                                                     Proverbs 20:9

    Proverbs 17:3                                                       Proverbs 27:19

3. What do the following proverbs tell us to do with our hearts? 

    Proverbs 2:1-2.                                                    Proverbs 22:17

    Proverbs 4:20-21

4. Read Luke 6:43-45. 

    What is the source of good fruit and evil fruit in our lives?

    In light of that, why do you think Proverbs speaks about guarding and protecting our hearts?

5. Apply: As we move through this week of homework, we will learn more about how our 

    emotions flow from the condition of our hearts. Where else do we lay the blame when our 

    emotions are out of control? List three.

    Why are these other “reasons” so appealing to blame?

Anger & Restraint

6. Read Proverbs 29:22 and fill in the blanks: 

   ‘A man of ____________ stirs up ___________, and a ____________ man abounds in   



   What do you observe about the correlation between anger and sin?

7. In the chart below, note how the following verses contrast the way of anger with a different  

    way. You may want to use different translations to help with your understanding. 

Way of Anger

Different Way









8. Look up the following proverbs and note what they teach about the person who is slow to 


    Proverbs 19:11

    Proverbs 14:29

    Is this how you typically deal with an angry person? Why or Why not?

9. Apply: Fill in the blank for James 1:19-21

    “So then, my beloved sisters, let every woman be swift to hear, slow to _______; slow 


     to__________; for the wrath of a woman does not reveal the righteousness of God. Therefore  


     lay aside all filthiest and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the ___________


     ________________, which is able to save your souls.”

     With what people or in what situations is it hardest for you to be “slow to anger”?



Jealousy & Envy

10. Is jealousy ever not sinful? Give your best answer and an example here and we will discuss  

      it further when we meet.

11. Look up the word “envy” in a dictionary or thesaurus and write a definition for it below: 


      What are some antonyms for envy? 

12. Read the following proverbs and note what you learn about envy. 

      Proverbs 23:17

      Proverbs 24:1-2

      Proverbs 27:20

13. Read Proverbs 27:4 and fill in the banks: 

      “_________________ is cruel, _____________ is overwhelming, but who can stand before

       ____________ ?”

       Why do you think jealousy is viewed as more severe than wrath and anger? 


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