We have been having really good prayer on Wednesdays. The Bible studies have been awesome too!! We just finished a month on "Prayer", what it is, and what it isn't. The next few months we will be focusing on Hearing God's Voice, and The Ways God Speaks. After that we will be doing a study on Anger, the good and the bad. This seems to be a popular topic on our questionnaire so we will be learning Anger Management...God's Way as well. I can think of a few people who could benefit from that...Not me!  We will also be talking about "Thankfulness" and  ways we can form good "Habits" in our lives. Lastly, we will be sinking our teeth into the fruit of the Spirit ...The Nature of the Fruit. What  keeps us from fruitfulness? The answers may surprise you! These and much more. I hope all of you that can will join us on Wednesdays from 10:00am to 11:00am. Don't miss it! Get it!


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