LBS Hearing God's Voice Part 1 "God's Voice Creates"

Hearing God’s Voice
Part 1
God’s Voice Creates

John 10:27 “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”

 One of the greatest wonders of the story of creation is that God created with mere words. When God said, “Let there be light,” with syllables, God spoke and creation happened. While we often think about all the plant and animals that God created, it’s easy to forget that He also introduced incredible smells and textures and colors into our world. Creation was filled with celebration of life and beauty.

The story of creation establishes God’s power, majesty, and wisdom as the Creator. The hero of creation is God, and through the sound of His voice, He is intimately connected with all of creation. 

The creation story is a potent reminder of the power of God’s voice in our lives. When God finished creating the heavens and the earth, everything was teeming with life. And when we encounter God’s voice in our lives, we can’t help teeming with a renewed sense of the life God wants to give us. God’s voice gives us the courage to overcome our fears, grow in our faith journeys, and become whom God has created us to be.

  1. Take a moment and list of some of the ways God spoke to his people in the Bible.



  1. Now list some of the ways God may speak to us today?

Discuss some of these ways together. 

  1. What are some of the most common ways God speaks to you?

4.God looked at what He had created and concluded that it was good. Is it easy or hard for you to look on other people who God has created and see them as good? What about when you look at yourself?  

5. Reflecting on Genesis 1, what does this passage reveal about God and His involvement in our world? And our lives?


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