LBS: Backbone Part 7 "Beasts vs. Ancient of Days"

Beasts vs. Ancient of Days

Scripture: Daniel 7


Discuss your reaction to the following quote: "Fear comes from uncertainty"

Discussion Questions

  •  (Dan 7:1-8). The sea represents the world of nations (Isa 17:12-13, Rev 17:15). The churning represents the nations in turmoil. Discuss why we cannot find security in nations. 
          What happened to Babylon?
          What happened to Media-Persia?
          What happened to Greece?
          What happened to Rome?

  • Daniel saw four beasts come from the sea. These represent four kings (Dan 7:17). There is no more security in a king or nighty national ruler than there is in a nation. Why is that (Dan 7:11-14, 1 John 3: 8)?

  • People in Persia greeted their king with, "O King live forever" (Dan 6:6, Dan 6:21). A king is only as strong as God allows him to be (Dan 7:17-18). Discuss how that affects your attitude toward current national rulers. What types of prayers would God like us to make for our rulers(1 Tim 2:1-4, 1 Peter 2:17)?

  • What is the only true source of security (DAn 7:27, Matt 24:30-31, Dan 7:18, 2 Peter 3:18)? we need to pray that we focus on Jesus in times of uncertainty (Matt 14:27).

Dig a Little Deeper

Keep in mind that fire pictures God's holiness and judgment against sin and wheels picture His providential working in the world.

compare Daniel 7:9-10 to Ezekiel 1:16-28


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