Joshua Chapters 18-21 Lesson 8 of 10


  lbs lesson 8     Joshua 18-21

Hope you are hanging in there, we just have seven more tribes to take their land. Five tribes have been allotted their territory and seven still remain. Israel sets up the tabernacle at Shiloh in the promised land. At long last the nation will have rest. 

This study covers Chapters 18-21

  1. Summarize each chapter.




Focus on 18:1-10
2. Locate Shiloh on your map and circle or highlight it. Does this seem like a central location to most of the tribes? Yes or no

3. Once the land has been divided according to the surveying team's judgement, how are the portions assigned? 

Now look at Joshua 18:11-19:51
4. Who is the first of the remaining tribes to be allotted land west of the Jordan?
______________________ Starts with a B. On your map circle or highlight it. 

      What significant city do you see listed within Benjamin's allotment? (18:28)
_______________________ Starts with a J. 

5. How is Simeon's allotment different than the others? (19:9)

    Look up Jacob's final prophecy spoken over his son Simeon(Gen. 49:5-7) to see why this 
    allotment makes sense. Who else's portion does the prophecy shed light on?

Now look at Joshua 20
6. In order to understand what is being allotted in chapters 20-21, we need to go back to Numbers 35 to see what was "spoken through Moses" (20:1(. Read through Numbers 35 and then define the following terms as best as you understand them from the context:


avenger of blood: 

7. What was the purpose of the cities of refuge? Were they meant to harbor criminals? Explain your answer.

Now look at Joshua 21
8. What three things did the Lord give Israel?




9. Note the parallel structure of 21:44b-45.
    21:44b: Not one ____________ withstood; All _____________ were given in to Israel's hand 
                 by the Lord.

   21: 45:   Not one ____________ of the Lord failed; All ________________ of the Lord came 
                 to pass

10. Apply: Read through 21:43-45 one last time, savoring its words. Paraphrase 21:45 in the space below in one sentence that sums up its message. As usual, we will share these when we get together. 

What aspect of God's character has this week's passage of Joshua shown you more clearly? 

What is one step can you take this week to better live in light of this truth?


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