Joshua Chapters 22-23 Lesson 9 of 10

LBS Joshua Chapters 22-23
Lesson 9

With the land subdued before them and the boundary lines laid, Israel is at last ready to settle into her inheritance. The two and a half tribes from east of the Jordan have fulfilled their duty to their brothers. It is time to divide the spoils and return home. Having worked together to wage war, the nation will now begin learning to work together to maintain peace and unity among themselves. And an aging Joshua will begin measuring out his final careful words. 

 Read Chapters 22-23

  1. Summarize Chapters 22 and 23 in two or three sentences each.

Focus on Joshua 22:1-19.

2. Notice how many ways Joshua describes how the people should obey in 22:5. List the 
    verbs/commands you see in this verse. 

3. What did the two and a half tribes take back with them to their lands east of the Jordan? 
    (22:8) What does this tell you about God’s provision for his people?

Now look at Joshua 22:10-34

4. Think back to last week’s lesson. At what location had the tabernacle (and therefore the 
    altar) been set up? (18:1)

5. Why do you think the altar but by the eastern tribes caused alarm among the western tribes? 
    Look up Deuteronomy 12:1-14 to help with your answers. 

6. What explanation did the eastern tribes give for why they had built the altar? (22:21-29)

7. What repeated purpose did the give for the altar?(22:27-28)

 “to be a ________________ between _____ and ______”

8. Apply: What principles regarding conflict resolution should we draw from this story? How is it an example to the modern-day church in how to deal with quarrels or misunderstandings?

Now look at Joshua 23:1-13

9. Notice the parallel structure of Joshua’s speech by filling in the chart below with the main idea of each verse noted:


 Now focus on 23:14- 16

10. Apply: Why do we need both promises regarding obedience and warnings regarding 
     disobedience? Which should be the primary motivation for the believer? 

What aspect(s) of God’s character has this week’s passage of Joshua shown you more clearly? 

What one step can you take to better live in light of this truth? 


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