Lbs Judges 2:22-3:31 Lesson3
"Three Deliverers"
Joshua's funeral has been held, and all memory of this faithful servant of a faithful God fades into history. Having failed to completely drive out the inhabitants of Canaan, Israel has left herself exposed to the practices and perversions of these people. Rebuked by God at Bochim, Israel's tears result in no renewed resolve to overcome the enemy. But God is a God who is faithful to His word, both blessing and curse.
This week we will see the cyclical pattern of Israel's obedience and disobedience illustrated from a high level and then explored in the stories of the first judges. We will meet Othniel, Ehud adn Shamgar--three men who faithfully delivered Israel even when the odds were vastly against them.
You will begin to use your chart of the judges this week. Fill in the appropriate spaces.
Read Judges 2:11-3:31
1. Summarize Judges 2:11-23 in 2 or 3 sentences. Then do the same for 3:1-31.
Focus on Judges 2:11-15
2. Compare 2:7 to 2:10-11. What shift has occurred in just a single generation?
3. Baal and the Ashtaroth were principle gods of the Canaanites. They were believed to control the seasons and the harvest. In the chart below, note the contrasting actions of the Israelites toward God and toward the Baals.
Treatment of God
Treatment of the Baals
vs. 11
vs. 12
vs. 13
vs. 12
vs. 13
4.Do the descriptions you wrote in the chart above demonstrate willful or unintentional sin?
5.In 2:14-15, note each action God took in response to the actions of his people:
6. How does your answer to question 3 explain the actions of God in 2:14-15?
7. How is God described in Exodus 34:14?_____________
8. Apply: Think of a time you have felt jealousy over a relationship. How is the jealousy of God more righteous than human forms of jealousy? Can you think of an example in which human jealousy could be good and right?
Now look at Judges 2:16-23
9. Now did God choose to deliver his people form their captivity? (2:16)
How effective were these deliverers? How long did the influence of each believer last?
(2:17- 19)
Now look at Judges 3:12-31
10. God raises up Ehud to deliver Israel. What interesting detail are we told about Ehud in 3:15?
He was a _____ - __________ man
11. Look up the word tribute and define it as best fits the way it is used in 3;16-17:
12. In the final verse of chapter 3 we hear briefly of Shamgar, a third judge. What was his weapon of choice?___________________
What aspect of God’s character has this week’s passage of Judges shown you more clearly?
What is one thing you can do this week to better live in light of this truth of who God is?
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