WBS Hebrews 10-11
WBS Lesson 5
Hebrews 10-11
Read Chapter 10 for the following questions:
- What purpose does the author say the Law served?
10:1 Foreshadow what was to come. Jesus Christ - the New Covenant
10:3 Remind (Remind us of our sins)
2. It’s interesting to note that the author quotes Jeremiah for a second time ( 8: 8-12) He is obviously making a point. This is one of the most extensive quotation of the Old Testament found in the New Testament and is an Old Testament prophecy of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost. (John 20:22; Acts 2).
(10:16) It’s important to note that the writer carefully included Jeremiah’s declaration ( a second time) that the Holy Ghost infilling is the determining criteria identifying the people of God under the new covenant. (John 3:5; Acts 2:4, 38; Titus 3:5)
Apply: Describe a time when the Holy Ghost brought to mind words of truth in the midst
of temptation /sin or a difficult situation. How is having the Spirt living inside us
(written on our hearts) better than having an external one like they had in the old
Answers will vary
3. Note each description given in 10:29 for the person who”goes on sinning deliberately”:
he has trampled the Son of God underfoot
he has counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing
he has insulted the Spirit of grace
4. How does “recalling that former day” (10:32) help you to face a current situation or help you
with fears about the future? Looking back at past struggles and the victories that followed can encourage us to press forward. If God has helped me in the past He will help me in the future…. whatever it may be.
Read Chapter 11 for the following questions; This is probably a very familiar chapter for most. It’s been called the Hall of faith or Role call of the faithful. And if you have been part of our WBS studies for the past few years these people and their stories will be fresh in your mind.
5. In 11:1-3 the author begins with a summary statement about the nature of faith.
How does he define faith? (11:1)
the substance of things hoped for
the evidence of things not seen
6. What do you notice about the way the author of Hebrews is unfolding his story of faith? How
is it an orderly account? A very organized list. He his telling the story of these faithful people in chronological order.
7. On which person does the text spend the most time? Abraham
In your opinion, what part of his story most illustrates his faithfulness? why?
Answers may vary: When he went to sacrifice his only son. He believed if God let him go through with the sacrificing of his only son He would raise him from the dead.
8. When you read about Sarah in 11:11, was her faith always strong? It was not always strong. She tried to take matters into her own hands and have a child through Hagar.
9. In 11:24-29. what does this tell us about who had the most influence on Moses during his
formative years? His Hebrew mother. She must have drilled into him, the short time he was with her, that he was not an Egyptian but a Hebrew.
7. On which person does the text spend the most time? _________________________
In your opinion, what part of his story most illustrates his faithfulness? why?
8. When you read about Sarah in 11:11, was her faith always strong?
9. In 11:24-29. what does this tell us about who had the most influence on Moses during his
formative years?
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