Acts 15-16 Lesson 2 The Mission Goes Forward


Acts Chapters 15-16
Lesson 2
The Mission Goes Forward

1. What is the essence of the disagreement that the Jerusalem Council sought to resolve 
     (15:1)? The Issue of circumcision-Are you saved if you’re not circumcises? 

2. This issue of circumcision, caused disharmony within the church. According to 15:6-11, if 
    Paul had to choose between the truth of the Gospel and disharmony within the church, 
    which was he going to choose? Paul would choose the truth of the Gospel. Let the truth 

3. What is the evidence of the Gentile’s conversion given in verse 8? To what event is Peter 
    referring to? They receive the Holy Ghost, speaking with tongues— Pentecost.

4. True or False    James quotes Amos 9:11-12 and reassures his listeners that God’s plan to 
                             include the Gentiles is “from old” (15:16-17).

5. What is the response of the Antioch church when the letter is read(15:30-34)?They rejoiced 
    over its encouragement.

    Why do you think encouragement was such a vital part of the ministry of the early church 
     leaders? Answers will vary: Possible responses : they are being persecuted by family, friends, Jewish leaders, 
                   Romans etc…

6. In Lystra, Paul and Silas add a new member to their team. Describe what we learn about 
    him (16:1-3): 

His name Timothy
His mother A Jew who believed
His father Greek
His character Well spoken of -Good reputation

Read Philippians 2:19-24 and note how Paul describes Timothy. His character has been proven. Like-minded, caring for God’s people.

7. In light of the decision of the Jerusalem Council in Acts 15, what surprising thing happens 
    in 16:3? What reason is given? Timothy is circumcised. 

    Why do you think a different decision is made for Titus in Galatians 2:1-5? Titus was a full Greek and because of what was decided by the Jerusalem Council, Titus is not circumcised. 

8. In 16:10 we get a hint of new member of the missionary team. What new pronoun do you notice, and to whom do you think it is referring? Luke “we”

9. Who is it that they meet by the riverside? 16:13 Women worshiping

10. Why is it you think that the disciples didn’t go into a synagogue? There most likely isn’t one. 

11. True or False: The message proclaimed by the slave girl is true. 16:16-18

12. What is the excuse given for the arrest of Paul and Silas 16:20-21?
       Teaching customs that are not lawful 

13. Apply: Compare Paul and Silas’ response to being beaten and thrown in jail to how you might respond to a time of suffering. How have you seen the Lord use suffering in your life (or in the life of someone else) as a means of advancing the gospel? 

14. What are Paul and Silas doing while in Jail?16:25

      Having a hymn sing-along



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