Acts 17-18:21 Lesson 3 No Longer an Unknown God


1. Who else besides the devout Greeks joined Paul and Silas (17:4)? Leading women

2. In 17:11, it says the Thessalonians were more “fair-minded”. What mad them so? 

3. True or false: In 17:22-31, Paul knows they are a “religious” people. Paul give them what they want: to know who God is. Paul doesn’t have an unknown god, he has an invisible God who has been made visible in Jesus Christ. 

4. Despite his best efforts, what aspect of Paul’s teaching proves to be difficult for many Athenians (17:34)?

5. Who was it that chose to believe in Athens (17:43)? 

6. Apply: Paul’s audience at the Areopagus was intelligent, prestigious, and likely intimidating. Look up 1 Corinthians 1:18-31. In what ways does Paul’s explanation of the difference between worldly wisdom and godly wisdom give you the confidence to speak boldly when you feel intimidated?

7. Who does Paul meet when he gets to Corinth (18:1-3)


Relationship to one another

Reason for going to Corinth


8. What does Paul have in common with Aquila and Priscilla? What does this detail tell us Paul needs in order to continue his ministry (18:3)

9. What directional change does Paul make in response to his treatment (18:6)?

      What is the response from his new target audience (18:7-8)

10. Where does Paul go after his lengthy stay in Corinth (18:18)?


     Who goes with him? 

11. Though Paul turned his back on the Jews in Corinth, where do we find him preaching in Ephesus (18:19)?

12. Apply: In trial and suffering, Paul is strengthened through the Word of God, the promises of God, and the Community of believers. Which of these three things do you turn to first in difficulty? Which do you neglect? Why?


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