Proverbs Lesson 7: Wisdom & Speech

Lesson 7

Wisdom & Speech

  1. Which sins of the tongue do you think we are most prone to commit in our current culture? Choose three from the many that Proverbs addresses. 

Here are just a few you could have used: deceptive tongue; lying tongue; rude words; arrogant words; angry words; hurtful; flattering ; rash; indiscreet words; argumentative words; silent words

2. Jesus uses a wise/foolish comparison in His teaching about our speech. Read Matthew 

    12:33-37. What imagery does He use for wise/foolish speech?

      A tree.       The branches : tongue. Fruit : words. The tree : heart. 

     What does Jesus point to as the source of our speech patterns (12:34)?


Self-Control & Speech

Before we explore further how speech is addressed in Proverbs, let’s look at how James contrasts wise and foolish speech in his epistle. Look up James 3:1-12. Answer the questions below:

3. What other sins would we be able to control if we could master control of our tongues (3:2)?

Every single one

4. What three things does James compare our tongues to in 3:3-6?

     1.   Bit in a horse's mouth               

     2. Rudder of a ship

     3. Small flame 

5. What does James compare our tongues to in 3:7-8?

Wild animals that somehow man is able to tame

     What kind of poison does he say our tongues are filled with?


6. What three things does James compare our tongues to in 3:9-12?

    1. spring, fresh & bitter

    2. Fig tree --olives & grapes

    3. Spring --salt & fresh water

7. Apply: On a scale from 1-10 (1 being the worst) how would you rate your current level of 

    self-control over your speech? Circle one. 


                                                    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Folly: Dishonest Speech

8. Dishonest words can take many shapes and Proverbs addresses a range of them. The most 

    general statements warn about lying. Look up the following verses and note what each 

    teaches about lying. 

Proverbs 12:19

Proverbs 12:22

Proverbs 21:6

Proverbs 24:28

9. Lying takes on different forms. Flattery, slander, and gossip are all types of dishonest speech 

    addressed in Proverbs. Look up these terms in a dictionary or thesaurus and write a 

    definition for each below: 




10. Look up the following verses and note what they teach about the nature and consequence 

      of gossip: 

Proverbs 16:28

Proverbs 26:20-22

Wisdom: Commendable Speech

Not all proverbs deal with foolish forms of speech. The book of Proverbs commends different forms of wise speech as well-among them words of reproof, well-timed words, and restrained words. 

11. Look up the following verses and note what each teaches about the value of words of 


       Proverbs 15:32

       Proverbs 25:12

       Well-timed words:


       Proverbs 16:21

       Proverbs. 27:14

       Restrained words:

       Proverbs 10:19

       Proverbs 17:27

12. Apply: On a scale from 1-10, how would you rate your current level of skill in using these 

      three forms of wise speech?  

      Words of reproof: ______        Well-timed words:_____       Restrained words: _______

Wisdom: Speech that blesses the hearer

13. Look up the following verses and note what each teaches about speech that blesses the 

      heart. If needed, look up the words in the dictionary to clarify their meaning. You may 

      also find it helpful to read them in multiple translations.

      Proverbs 12:25

      Proverbs 16:13

      Proverbs 20:15

Apply: As we wrap up our tour of proverbs related to speech, what practical steps can you   

take to treasure good things in your heart so that your words overflow with wise 

speech? Consider what you read, watch, listen to, and meditate on. List some changes 

you will make. 


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