Proverbs Lesson 12: Wisdom & Emotions (Part 2)

Lesson 12

Wisdom and Emotions (Part 2)

Worry / Anxiety & Trust

  1. Use a dictionary or thesaurus to write a definition, description, or synonym for each word. 

       worry (n) _____________________________________________________________________

       anxiety ______________________________________________________________________

       trust ________________________________________________________________________

2. Worry and anxiety consume much of our lives. But if you were to do a word search for them 

    in Proverbs, only a handful of verses would come up. Look them up and note what each 

    teaches about worry, anxiety, or trust. 

    Proverbs 3:5-6

    Proverbs 11:28

    Proverbs 12:25

    Proverbs 16:20

    Proverbs 29:25

3. What root emotion lies beneath worry and anxiety (hint: look again at Proverbs 29:25).

    ____________________ of _____________________

    What confidence do we need to combat this root? In your own words, write Proverbs 14:26 


4. Jesus taught on worry and anxiety and trust in the sermon on the Mount. Read Matthew 


    Is there a benefit to worry and anxiety?

    In whom should we put our trust?

5. Look up Philippians 4:6. Look up the word supplication in the dictionary. By what means do 

    we lay our anxieties to rest?

6. Look back through your notes and count how many references you found to the fear of the 

    Lord. How many do you see?_______

   Now answer this question: How many verses in Proverbs address worry and anxiety?

   ___ A handful

   ___ A great number 

7. Apply: How does prayer help reorient us from fear of man to fear of the Lord? Think of an 

    example from your own life.

    What is currently causing you anxiety? Whether or not the way forward is clear, what 

    confident prayer can you pray? 


8. Read Proverbs 15:15.

    What is the imagery used for those with a cheerful heart?

    Rewrite this proverbs in your own words:

9. Read the following proverbs and note what you learn about a joyful heart and good news.

    Proverbs 15:30

    Proverbs 17:22

10. There is a difference between happiness and joy. Happiness often depends on 

      circumstances and comes and goes. Joy is not dependent on circumstances and can be 

      constantly present. Read Romans 15:13. What is the source of our joy? Can that ever be 

      taken from us?

11. Look up the following proverbs in the NIV and draw a line to what they teach as sources of 


      Proverbs 11:10                      justice being done

      Proverbs 12:20                      children who are righteous/wise

      Proverbs 21:15                      when the righteous prosper

      Proverbs 23:24                      those who promote peace

      What do these verses indicate about the influence of the godly on the world around them?

12. Apply: Outside of your salvation, what has been your greatest source of joy?


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