Proverbs Lesson 13: The Woman of Proverbs 31

Lesson 13

The Woman of Proverbs 31

Read 31:1-9 for the following questions.

  1. Look up the word oracle. Write a definition that best fits. 


2. To whom is authorship attributed? _________________________________

    What details are given about the purpose or occasion for writing this chapter?

3. Think back to the opening section of the book (Proverbs 1-9). Who gave wisdom to 


    whom?   A  ________________ to his _______________

    In Proverbs 31, the final section of the book, who gives wisdom to whom (31:1)?

                  A_________________ to her _______________

4. Read 31:5-9 and answer the following questions:

   In these verses we read this list of kingly tasks to be performed on behalf of the most 

   needy. List as many of these types of needs as you can see.



   What king comes to mind as you read these tasks to be performed on behalf of the 

   most needy? Read Luke 7:22 to help with your answer.

   King Lemuel’s mother did not know she was describing the promised king to come in 

   the line of David. Look up Isaiah 11:1-4. Notice the center of these verses? What do 

   you find?Hint: It has been a central theme of the whole book of Proverbs.




5. Rewrite 31:10 in your own words:________________________________________

6. Match the correct verse(s) with the corresponding statement.

    31:13;19; 22; 24          She works willingly to serve those around her.

    31:20.                          Her mind is at work as well.                            

    31:16; 18                     She is not lazy. She is a hard worker

7. Apply: In what ways are you most like the Proverbs 31 woman? In what ways are 

    you different? 

8. In verse 26 what do we find her doing? _________________________________

9. Do you think this woman in Proverbs 31 is a real-life woman?

10. If not, who do you think she is or represents?

10. How did all this wisdom grow in this woman? The book of Proverbs has ended the 

      same way it began. What does its last words reiterate?  



11. For this last section, we will fill this out together when we meet as we reread 

      through this last chapter of this practically perfect, goodly wife and mother. 


Lady Wisdom                  The Proverbs 31 Woman                    Lady Folly

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