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Proverbs Lesson 13: The Woman of Proverbs 31

Lesson 13 The Woman of Proverbs 31 Read 31:1-9 for the following questions. Look up the word oracle. Write a definition that best fits.        __________________________________________________ 2. To whom is authorship attributed? _________________________________     What details are given about the purpose or occasion for writing this chapter? 3. Think back to the opening section of the book (Proverbs 1-9). Who gave wisdom to           whom?   A  ________________ to his _______________     In Proverbs 31, the final section of the book, who gives wisdom to whom (31:1)?                   A_________________ to her _______________ 4. Read 31:5-9 and answer the following questions:    In these verses we read this list of kingly tasks to be performed on behalf of the most     needy. List as many of these types of needs as you can see.    ___________________________________________________________________    ___________________________________________________________________    What kin

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